Do Positive Affirmations Work?

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Affirmations are simple statements that shift your mindset from negativity and self-criticism to positivity and focusing on your strengths. These statements can encourage and motivate you to develop skills, learn new things, and live a healthier life.

Affirmations are used to reprogram the unconscious mind – the one who’s in charge --to encourage us to believe certain things about ourselves or about the world and our place within it.

Repetition is key! Affirmations reinforce an intention so deeply that it bypasses your conscious mind, and goes straight into your subconscious creating new neural pathways within your brain.

They can also help you overcome self-doubt, fear, and self-sabotage and help you see the positive side of life.

But do affirmations work? They can, but they won’t make things magically occur. It involves shifting your mindset and working to achieve goals.

In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), positive affirmations can help a person to accept their reality and look at situations from a more rational perspective,

What the Science Says: - According to 2016 research, positive affirmations activate your brain’s reward system and influence how you experience emotional pain.

- A 2018 study indicates that affirming yourself can help you cope with uncertainty and improve your self-worth.

Affirmations to try:

  • I am strong enough to get through this hardship.
  • I have the skills and abilities to handle this difficult situation.
  • I am accepting my uncomfortable feelings.
  • I believe in myself and can achieve my goals. I am confident and ready to start the day.
  • I am learning more every day, viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth.
  • I trust myself and follow my instincts.

For more information check out PsychCentral.

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