California is Drowning in Tax Measures

There's a bevy of new tax bills listed on the legislature this year, forcing Californians to decide on issues that could cost them more money in the future as if the state wasn't already too expensive.

The California Tax Foundation has reportedly counted more than $6.2 billion worth of tax increase proposals pending in the Legislature. What's even worse is that it expects the figure to grow substantially as bills are amended with details, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Some taxes are important but others make zero sense. For example, the soda tax on sugary soft drinks which would hike the tax on soda by 2 cents an ounce or 24 cents for a 12-ounce can. The bill's backer, Assemblyman Richard Bloom, says the money raised will go to health programs and the hopes the price hike will deter people from drinking the unhealthy drink.

Another proposed tax that is good in theory but not in practice is the idea to turn the famous Lombard street in San Francisco into a paid tourist attraction. Lawmakers are suggesting the crooked street be turned into a toll road, maybe even requiring reservations. Traffic is sure to flow smoothly after lines of cars wait at a toll booth.

There's even an anti-"Big Gulp" measure pending that would ban soda containers larger than 16 ounces. Clearly soda is the biggest and most pressing issue in California.

The Public Policy Institute of California recently asked voters whether they paid more or less state and local taxes than they should. Sixty-three percent said they were paying more. Thirty-two percent said they were paying the right amount and just 4 percent said they were paying less.

Californians know they are overtaxed so why does Sacramento keep introducing unimportant bills to add to the list.

There is an estimated 2,628 bills pending in the legislature, it is going to be a busy year.

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