Nonprofit Says LA Homeless Population Closer to 100,000

The 15 bridge home shelters serving the LA homeless population are slowly making their way into neighborhoods and districts among us. However, each shelter houses no more than 50 people at a time, making it seem impossible to actually fix the homeless issue when a supposed 53,000 homeless people live on the streets.

Making it even worse, a new study has been released that suggests the amount of homeless people on the streets is actually almost double that. 

The Economic Roundtable, a LA-based nonprofit that seeks to guide public policy with research on economic, social and environmental conditions, examined data collected by the Los Angles Homeless Services Authority in 2017 and found that using their statistical approach in analysis produced a drastically different number: 102,278.

Their new approach to the analysis included the number of people who become homeless at one time or another during the year, for however long, and not just the current number of homeless people. Their most interesting find? About 45 percent of people were homeless for six months or less, with 36 percent homeless for more than 12 months. 

Economic Roundtable President Daniel Fleming said the nonprofit looks to understand why some people are able to flee homelessness quickly after a job loss or eviction while some people stay homeless. Their findings will be used to find a way to better use the scarce resources for the homeless. 

Photo: Getty Images

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