The Impact Of Parents' Mental Health On Kids With The Dad Podcast

Recent studies outlined in The Conversation and Medical Xpress explain that the mental health of parents has a direct impact on the mental health of their children.

No way!  Who would have guessed that!

We know, we know, that really isn't very surprising information.  However, it is very important information to consider.

What issues do you struggle with?  Are they impacting your family?  How can you work through them?

Justin Worsham of The Dad Podcast has personal experience with this.  When he was in the midst of his stand up comedy career, his first son was born.  When he would have a show that didn't go very well, his self esteem would plummet, and his wife would have to build him back up.  During this building process, he would be emotionally volatile, and he could see that it was impacting him as a father.

So, Justin decided to go to a therapist, where he learned that the rejection he was feeling from the audience brought up old feelings of rejection that he experienced from his mother during his childhood.  He recognized that his mental health issues were impacting his child, so he confronted them and worked through them.

To hear more of Justin's take on the impact of parents' mental health on their children, and other parenting topics, you can check out all of his stuff at The Dad Podcast

Check out his latest episode with Bill Glass about being out of the diapers days of Dad-dom.

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