Did ESPN alter Tiger's hair to make it look better, or was it a bad crop job?

Tiger Woods' mugshot  was everywhere yesterday, you couldn't avoid seeing it. It's a pretty sad picture. Tiger Woods is one of the greatest of all time, and here is busted for a DUI with his eyes all puffy and his hair all frazzled.

The frazzled Tiger is what we all saw, but ESPN made an odd choice and ran a photo of him with his hair flattened down and neat looking.

Why would ESPN try to tidy up Tiger? 

Business Insider has a theory that there was nothing nefarious going on at all. It's possible ESPN just wanted to change the background color of the photo and did a poor job of cropping Tiger out.

TMZ has gotten its hands on Tiger's police report, and it shows that he was found asleep behind the wheel of his 2015 Mercedes with the motor running and the right blinker flashing.

He "had extremely slow and slurred speech," and told cops he was "coming from L.A. California from golfing." Tiger then changed his story and said he didn't know where he was.

4 drugs were listed under medical conditions:

  • Solarex
  • Vicodin
  • Torix
  • Vioxx 

Tiger failed the field sobriety test badly, but later took a breathalyzer test and blew zeros. The report added that Tiger was "cooperative as much as possible, very droopy, extremely sleepy, hard to keep eyes open, hard to walk."

Read more about the police report at TMZ and read more about the altered mugshot at Business Insider.

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