Trump signs order doing away with Obama climate policies

Today President Trump signed an executive order undoing a number of Obama-era climate change regulations, that his administration said were hindering oil drillers and coal miners.

The order's main target is Obama's Clean Power Plan, which required states to cut carbon emissions from power plants in order to meet commitments agreed upon at the 2015 Paris climate change accord.

Trump's order also reverses a ban on coal leasing on federal lands, and does away with rules to curb methane emissions from oil and gas production.

Trump said:

"I am taking historic steps to lift restrictions on American energy, to reverse government intrusion, and to cancel job-killing regulations."

While Trump says that cutting environmental regulations will create jobs, those on the green side say supporting clean energy would have done the same thing.

Environmental groups are pretty pissed about Trump's latest order.  Billionaire and eco-activist Tom Steyer said:

"These actions are an assault on American values and they endanger the health, safety and prosperity of every American."

How does he know what Americans' values are? That's just like Kevin de León calling SB 54 "The California Values Act."

Green group Earthjustice said it's one of many organizations vowing to fight the order in and out of court.

It's president Trip Van Noppen said:

"This order ignores the law and scientific reality."

So they're going to fight this like the travel ban? The other side lost, the pendulum will swing back for them again, so get over it.

Read more at Reuters.

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