Santa Clarita women speak out against online sexual harasser

Dozens of Santa Clarita women are demanding justice and speaking out against a man they say is sexually harassing them through Facebook.

The man has been harassing these women for years, sending them inappropriate messages along with photos and videos of his penis. They try to block him but he changes his name, creates new accounts, and continues to prey on them.

Victims tried to get the Santa Clarita Sheriffs to pay attention, but they didn't seem to care. Now that the stories have gotten the media's attention, it looks like something might finally be done.

Santa Clarita resident Jackie Chowdhury is one of the many women who has been continuously harassed. She joined us this afternoon to share her story, and told us she's not afraid to speak up:

"Am I going to allow fear to control my life? No. I'm going to say this is wrong, and this is not okay, and I'm not going to abide by it at all."

Listen below to our full interview with Jackie Chowdhury from today's show:

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